
Well I'm new to this fashion blogging phonomenom, well actually I'm not that new.

About two years ago I discovered a little fashion blog and began to read it religiously, that blog introduced me to many more blogs and I quickly became addicted to the fun, quirky, adolescent fashion musings. During that time I debated whether or not I should start a blog of my own. After much thought, I decided I was too young and not outspoken enough to create a fashion blog of my own.

After two years, five boyfriends, several fashion mistakes, and numerous hours of boredom, I finally made the decision of creating my own fashion blog.

Well the point is: Welcome to my blog!
I am a weird person, that is extremely passionate about fashion. When I really think about it, music and fashion are really the only two things I truly love. Since I found out I'm pretty much talentless when it comes to normal things such as dancing, singing, playing sports etc., I simply knew that fashion aside from being my passion might also be my hidden talent.

I hope to eventually grow into an amazing blogger, but right now, I'm just a novice.

Until next time, Lauren.

1 comment:

  1. Cool blog! I loved the pictures! I just created a fashion blog too! Fun hobby;)
